Wednesday, February 17, 2010

He's too hefty for their flight...

Kevin Smith is squawking up a storm on Twitter about the fact that Southwest airlines just booted his big butt off of one of their flights because he was too fat.

Now those aren't the words they used.  They were more polite.  PR and all, they're not going to call the guy a tub of guts in a public memo.  It'd be funny as hell if they did, of course, but that's neither here nor there.

He's turned the whole incident into a public circus on the internet to scream out his unhappiness at this indignity.  The shame!  The ignominy!  How much can a rich, reasonably powerful Hollywood director take from a "welfare airline, food-stamp airline" (his words, not mine) before he has to devour a chocolate-covered stewardess or something?

Isn't Silent Bob supposed to be Silent?!

What's worse, he then goes on to insinuate that they booted him off the flight because one of the employees for Southwest doesn't like his movies.  Yeah.  That sounds plausible.  Happens to Scorsese and Eastwood all the time.  "Hey, there's that high-profile director guy.  I don't like his movies.  I think I'll risk my job and future chance of having a job by throwing this famous guy off of our flight because I didn't like his use of lighting."  Sure.  They run thick with the anti-director plots over at old SouthWest.  That and fat-guy scanners. 
Kevin Smith says he'll never fly Southwest again.  I'm sure this comes as a major relief for the lady who was sitting next to him.  He had two seats booked, but the airline bumped him to an earlier flight (bastards!) where he only got ONE seat.  One seat, can you imagine?  Is this Soviet Russia?  Are we living in the middle ages, for god sakes?  Does Milos Forman get treated like this?!    
No, but then again, Forman didn't snap a toilet a couple years back for being so big!
Don't take my word for it; have a look on the web for pics of Smith from 1998 to present.  Sure we all put on some weight over time, but whoa!

Jay and Silent Bob era
His Dom Deluise period
And just a year or so ago
Lawd have mercy!

Boy's gettin pretty hefty, by even Houston Texas standards.  Maybe he needs one of those flying palaces like Jabba had in Return of the Jedi.

Seriously, if Kevin Smith really wants to get back at Southwest and NOT look like a fat idiot, maybe he should shut his pie gobbler, ditch the Twitter-whinging, drop a few (few?!) pounds and then fly Southwest again.  Running his mouth off at them just makes him look like a bitter Sir Eats-A-Lot.  Sure he's Sir Eats-A-Lot but no need to look bitter!
This new, svelte Kevin Smith could then get thrown off for totally valid celebrity reasons (drunk and punching people, throwing up on the kid next to him, freaking out on mescaline and having to be restrained in one of the johns, etc).

Just a thought.

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear god, I read a post online about this very subject and someone suggested people should have to be weighed like their luggage!
    Someone else said that's how they do it with cattle!


    "Okay sir, with your carry-on bag and your immense girth, your total travel costs come to..."

    My sides hurt with laughter
